
  Part I Structure and Vocabulary(20%)

  Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.

  1. The woman does not mind ___ in the bedroom.

  A. her husband` s smoking

  B. her husband`s smoke

  C. her husband to have a smoke

  D. her husband to smoke

  2. I realized that she was the woman ___ the world event on yesterday` s TV program.

  A. reported

  B. having reporting

  C. to report

  D. reporting

  3. Mary told me that you were going to make a long journey to Australia,____?

  A. didn`t you

  B. weren`t you

  C. wouldn`t

  D. hadn`t you

  4. He knew clearly that there was nothing he could do ____

  A. but to wait

  B. but waiting

  C. but wait

  D. but to have waited

  5. ____ your help,we would not have fulfilled the task in time.

  A. But for

  B. Because of

  C. In spite of

  D. Apart from

  6. ____,we turn on the air-conditioner.

  A. It is a hot day

  B. Being a hot day

  C. It is being a hot day

  D. The day being hot

  7. “Mr. Jackson left for Columbus,Ohio long ago.” “Oh,that`s a pity. I wish _____ ”

  A. I`d meet him

  B. I` d have met him

  C. I` d met him

  D. I` 11 meet him

  8. No sooner had we reached the railway station __ it started to rain.

  A. when

  B. while

  C. then

  D. than

  9. Accustomed to climbing trees,_____

  A. I had no difficulty reaching the top

  B. Reaching the top was not hard to me

  C. The top was not difficult for me to reach

  D. To reach the top was not a problem for me

  10. Peter likes watching TV __ to the cinema.

  A. more than to go

  B. more than going

  C. than going

  D. rather than to go

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